This project is not exactly prop or gaming related, but when I told a friend about this blog, he recommended posting this too. Unfortunately I only have pictures of it when we were disassembling it when Samuli moved. This project was for Jemina, the daughter of Samuli's better half, Mari. Samuli told me that they needed a loft bed for Jemina, so we planned this on a lunch break at work, I draw the basic outline on a napkin, which unfortunately is lost. I enforced the point that as this bed is going to be made for a seven year old girl, there was not going to be any weak points on this thing, and while we intended that this bed was not going to be moved when complete, it was simple enough to put apart and complete again, when it HAD to be moved.. It seemed to us that we had actually designed the whole thing to be movable.. A lucky break there..

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the bed when complete, the room where it was built did not allow any good photo angles. This is something that Samuli can perhaps help me with, as the bed is now in a larger room. The bed was designed as a treehouse themed, and has a detachable slide on the front side of it. This photo is from the back, with the floor boards and front removed. This photo shows the ladder end, and the little door for the house. Leaning on the wall is the 80cm wide slide that can be placed on the front of the bed.

Here is the other end, where the treehouse wall rises up to the ceiling. The small window is a bit higher than the doorway which it was next to.

This is the front side, again detached the white 2x4 is where the slide can be placed. We ran out of wood for neat, straight wall, but this was a small matter, as we thought that the walls look actually better when placed a little mis-alligned. The whole project was completed mostly on two days, one day to get the lumber, and the other to cut and put everything back together. The day two was a long one, we pulled night shift at work, and began building straight from the work. Well, almost immediately. A great hand also goes to Harri, another coworker who called if we needed help on the project. As Samuli had some issues he had to take care, Harri was there to help. Thanks Harri. We calculated the total amount of lumber quite correctly (read 'we got lucky'), we ended up with just an inch of leftovers, aside of the paint and few nuts and bolts.
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