This is what my workspace looks like at the moment. I do my dirty stuff in the club/common room at my apartment building to which I only have the key. I would probably get evicted if the someone knew..
And yes, those are proton packs on the works. I have been building Ghostbusters costumes with two friends for a little over a year now (on and off, one day per month or so), and the results are showing.

There are many things to be done with this pack, and for my friend's as well..

A little better view of my pack.. If you are wondering, we've been using Stephan Otto's plans from http://www.gbfans.com/ At the time, Ive put about a hundred euro's for my pack, including the alice pack frame.

Here she is, primed and ready for another sanding.. Don't let the picture fool you, the pack looks a bit distorted from the camera angle. I've tried to keep it as close to the originals as I can, and at the moment, I'd go as far as saying that this pack is 80% accurate..
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